Thursday, September 22, 2011

Anti-Freedom of Choice group plans 2012 ballot initiative to end abortions in Nevada

A Nevada organization called the Nevada Pro-life Coalition is planning an initiative petition to ban abortions in Nevada. In order to qualify their initiative on the 2012 ballot they will need to gather 72,352 valid signatures.

The initiative would grant human status at the moment of conception and prohibit “the intentional taking of a prenatal person’s life” and defines a prenatal person as “every human being at all stages of biological development before birth.” Which is diametric to actual medical and scientific facts.

From the Las Vegas Sun:

The group, however, is not yet properly registered with the Nevada Secretary of State’s office to advocate for or against an initiative petition, said deputy secretary of state Scott Giles. To begin collecting signatures the group would first have to file the necessary paperwork.

A coalition of abortion rights groups has already formed to oppose the initiative petition.

“This initiative is an attempt to prevent a woman from making her own personal, private decisions about her health with her family and doctor,” said Elisa Cafferata, president of Nevada Advocates for Planned Parenthood Affiliates. “It would bring government, lawyers and the courts into our personal lives. It would affect literally thousands of laws, costing our state a fortune to litigate.”

There is nothing wrong with people being against abortions, in fact you would be hard pressed to find any would who likes abortions, but when another person or another group pushes their own beliefs onto others, then there is a problem.

The choices we all make in life are our own and we must live with those decisions whether we like them or not. After all, it is our life.

Those that want to limit individual freedom’s because of their own beliefs, have forgotten what it means to be an American.

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