Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Republicans can’t stand the heat, so they stay out of the Town Hall meetings - Las Vegas Democrat |

Republicans can’t stand the heat, so they stay out of the Town Hall meetings - Las Vegas Democrat |

Republicans all across the country are running scared and hiding from their constituents. If you recall in August 2009 at Town Hall meetings around the country, republican members of Congress gladly held Town Hall meetings so the media could see Tea Party folk screaming in anger against health reforms promoted by Democrats and President Obama. GOP front groups such as Americans for (Corporate) Prosperity who co-opted the Tea Party, even sent out instructions on how to be loud and obnoxious at the Town Hall meetings. How to drown out the audience, basically, instructions on how to be a jerk on TV. This was cross promoted by Glenn Beck and Fox “News”.

Then in August 2010 Republicans again had the Tea Party Folk screaming at Town Hall meetings all across the country, this time for jobs, again directing their ire at Democrats and President Obama.

Now its August 2011 and Republicans now control the US House of Representatives, and their hiding from their constituents by either not holding Town Hall meetings or charging people to talk to them at Town Hall meetings. They are actually charging people to get a chance to ask a question, they have a warped vision of how democracy works.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Republican weekly address delivered by Heller riddled with rhetoric and lies - Las Vegas Democrat |

Republican weekly address delivered by Heller riddled with rhetoric and lies - Las Vegas Democrat |

Each week the republican party delivers a weekly address in response to President Obama’s weekly address. This past weeks address was given by Senator Dean Heller, who was recently appointed to finish the term of John Ensign who resigned this past May.

But Heller did not use his time to respond to what President Obama said, which is his choice. Just so you know, the President‘s address was about coming together as a unified Nation with the up coming 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001 around the corner. Instead, Heller used his time to lie about his voting record and fling red meat about jobs and the economy, an economy he an his party continue to derail. The only legislation proposed by republicans are Bills that would kill jobs, hundreds of thousands of jobs, to which Speaker Boehner remarked, “so be it”, of the jobs lost by Republican legislation.

In Heller’s address (video on the left), he accuses democrats of lying about Republicans wanting to kill Medicare and Social Security. Why? Because Dean Heller is the only member of congress to vote twice to kill the two insurance programs, once as a member of the House, then as a member of the Senate. So Heller really wants Nevadans to believe that Medicare and Social Security are safe, because that Senate seat he was appointed to, is up for reelection in 2012.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Republicans have no faith in US Military or American Excellence - Las Vegas Democrat |

Republicans have no faith in US Military or American Excellence - Las Vegas Democrat |

Republicans have no faith in US Military or American Excellence

Republicans end up with Libya on their face.

Republicans just can’t stomach giving credit where credit is due if it benefits US citizens or others around the world, if it involves a Democrat or a Democratic President such as Obama.

In February and earlier March of 2011, Libyan rebel forces asked the United States and the United Nations for help in their fight against their dictator Muammar Gaddafi when he was about to enter the City of Benghazi where he vowed to open fire on all in the city.

On March 15 the United Nations security council passed Security Council Resolution 1973, and was adopted on March 17, 2011, which authorizes “all necessary measures” to protect Libyan civilians. A “No-Fly Zone” was the course of action taken.

On March 18, President Obama outlined nonnegotiable demands to Gaddafi and his government for an end to violence and indicated the United States was prepared to act militarily as part of a coalition to enforce Resolution 1973 and protect Libyan civilians. President Obama asserted that Muammar Gaddafi must give up his power and step down.

The very next day on March 19, 2011, U.S. led coalition forces launched cruise missiles from U.S. war ships and air strikes were flown by U.S. and coalition forces which targeted Libyan air defenses, the Libyan air force, Libyan command and control infrastructure, and Libyan ground forces involved in attacks on civilians, including south of the opposition stronghold of Benghazi.

As of March 28, U.S. and coalition officials stated that coalition military operations had destroyed the ability of the Libyan military to control Libyan airspace.

The no-fly zone called for in Resolution 1973 was in place and is being enforced. At which time President Barack Obama turned over command and control to NATO which from the start was his stated plan. While the United States was no longer in the lead, our forces were side by side with NATO.

Republicans who were first calling for President Obama to initiate a “No-Fly Zone” on his own and not wait for the United Nations Security council to act, suddenly flip-flopped as soon as President Obama and the UN made their decision to create a "No-Fly Zone". Republicans then said we should not create a "No-Fly Zone because the President missed his window of opportunity.

Everything that President Obama said he would do, he did. He said Gaddafi must go, he said we could not sit idly by and allow Gaddafi’s threat of murdering his citizens to happen and he said that the United States would pass control over to NATO in just a matter of days after the lead by the United States to set up the “No-Fly-Zone“. The President was correct, and republicans were wrong, because they have no faith in our military to get the job done, no faith in American excellence, and no faith or respect for the President of the United States all because he’s a Democrat.

This brings us to freshman House Rep. Joe Heck (R-NV) who introduced a Bill to cut off funding for U.S. troops after 90 days had passed and President Obama hadn’t gone to Congress and seek their permission under the War Powers Act, which was put in place after Vietnam to keep Presidents from starting wars on their own.

Heck said, “To date, there has been no clear national security objective articulated”, he clearly wasn’t listening to the President when he clearly “articulated” the “objectives” of the UN Resolution and the US involvement pertaining to the resolution.

Some executive-legislative consultation occurred prior to the start of U.S. military operations, and, on March 21, President Obama sent a letter to Congress outlining U.S. military objectives and operations, but not seek congressional authorization. The leadership of both the House and the Senate were informed of the pending action, but Republicans say they were never consulted, which was a lie.

To this day Congress has NEVER been addressed by former President Bush seeking Congressional approval under the War Powers Act for our Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which are the two longest Wars in the History of the United States. The only thing sought by Bush was a resolution giving him power and a blank check to do what he wanted, which was granted by Congress.

The Republican strategy to damn everything that the Democrats or Obama have done that is positive for its citizens or its allies, simply so Republicans can fill their lust for power, its not only un-American, but borders on treason.

Friday, August 19, 2011

‘Job Creators’ are not sent from heaven - Las Vegas Democrat |

‘Job Creators’ are not sent from heaven - Las Vegas Democrat |

Attention Tea Party Folk:

Republicans want you to have a sensation that wealthy people are Godly or heaven sent, as they replace the words; rich people or wealthy people, with "Job Creators", which is now repeated over and over by right wing media, their echo chambers and of course republicans, and now even by a few democrats.

But the rich do not need to create jobs to make money, they can make money with tax loopholes and low tax rates. And they certainly were not sent from heaven by any God as angelic “Job Creators”.

There are incontrovertible facts that show tax cuts for the rich have not, and will not create jobs, it is a myth. And there’s irrefutable facts that show that an increase of taxes on the rich have, and will create jobs.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Debate: Mark Amodei prefers Einstein’s theory of Insanity over facts - Las Vegas Democrat |

Debate: Mark Amodei prefers Einstein’s theory of Insanity over facts - Las Vegas Democrat |

Last night the first debate between the candidates in the up coming Special Election on September 13, 2011 to fill the 2nd Congressional District seat (CD2) was held in Reno, NV.

Albert Einstein’s definition of Insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This brings us to the first question of the debate and the insane response by Republican Mark Amodei.

Eric Herzik, Question: The Bush Tax Cuts produced one of the lowest decades of job growth in American history, deregulation during the period led to numerous scandals and contributed to the economic collapse. You and your TV ads argue for further Tax Cuts and further deregulation and say this will lead to jobs. Why would the ‘Amodei Plan’ have any more success than what did not work for the last decade?


Monday, August 15, 2011

Vote for Mark Amodei and end Medicare - Las Vegas Democrat |

Vote for Mark Amodei and end Medicare - Las Vegas Democrat |

Mark Amodei is the Nevada Republican Party Central Committee’s candidate to run in the Special Election on September 13, 2011, for the 2nd Congressional District seat (CD2) . If you want to help put an end to Medicare as Mark Amodei does, then you should vote for him, because his opponent Kate Marshall, a democrat, supports Medicare.

If Medicare is an issue that you care about, whether you support it or not , the contrast between these two candidates should make it easier for you when you step into the voting booth.

Here is some of what the two candidates have said in recent weeks regarding Medicare:


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Republicans put their ‘No Tax Pledge’ ahead of their Constitutional oath - Las Vegas Democrat |

Republicans put their ‘No Tax Pledge’ ahead of their Constitutional oath - Las Vegas Democrat |

Before Republicans ever get to Washington D.C. and before they get the backing of the GOP establishment to fund their campaigns, they are asked to sign various pledge’s for various special interest groups. And one such pledge is a “No Tax Pledge” for a special interest group called Americans for Tax Reform, based in Washington D.C. and headed by Grover Norquist.

Nearly every republican in Congress has signed this pledge which is at clear odds with their Constitutional oath.

As I mentioned, nearly all Republicans have signed this pledge, but one Republican, Senator Tom Coburn (OK), recently said on Meet the Press:

“Which pledge is most important … the pledge to uphold your oath to the Constitution of the United States or a pledge from a special interest group who claims to speak for all American conservatives when, in fact, they really don’t?”

As you know the Republican Party recently took our Nation hostage, they caused our nations credit rating to be downgraded from AAA to AA+ and they nearly caused our Nation to default on its bills for the first time in history, since they refuse to allow new tax revenues because of a “No Tax Pledge“.

Standard and Poor’s downgrade statement said:

“Our revised base case scenario now assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues.”

S & P thinks that the Republicans will not put our Nation ahead of their political careers.

President Obama and the Democrats in Congress were willing to work on a compromised deal that included spending cuts and new revenues. In fact two thirds of the American public want to let the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 expire for those making more than $250,000, which amounts to approximately 2 percent of the population.

The Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH), said after a final deal was reached, “I got 98 percent of what I wanted. I'm pretty happy.” But even with 98 percent, many in his party were still unhappy because they didn’t get everything they wanted, much like a child whines when they don’t get everything they want.

Speaker Boehner who says he got 98 percent of what he wanted, blames the S & P downgrade on the President. I suspect that if Speaker Boehner got 100 percent of what he and his terror party were demanding, he would still blame the President for the downgrade.

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