Saturday, November 27, 2010

GOP playing politics with Nuclear Weapons makes US vulnerable - Las Vegas Democrat |

GOP playing politics with Nuclear Weapons makes US vulnerable - Las Vegas Democrat |

You may recall Ronald Reagan’s famous slogan for the START treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) that brought the Soviet Russia and the United States together to reduce nuclear weapons by both nations, “Trust, but Verify”.

The START treaty allowed both sides to make sure that nuclear weapons reductions were actually being carried out, not just saying they are doing it, but “verify“ that it is being done.

Now that has all changed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his cohort Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) have put a hold on the legislation.

These obstructionist tactics are the same as they have been the previous two years, block everything and anything that could possible be seen as a victory for President Obama, and that includes ending the START treaty that was first put into place by Ronald Reagan and renewed by several congress’s and carried out by every President since, and it has always been a non-partisan issue.


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