Monday, October 18, 2010

Is Sharron Angle really an extremist? - Las Vegas Democrat |

Is Sharron Angle really an extremist? - Las Vegas Democrat |

Sharron Angle (R-NV) who is running for the US Senate against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has been accused of being an extremist, as someone who is to the far right of mainstream America and completely out of touch with reality.

Is that true? Is Sharron Angle out of touch with mainstream America? Is she an extremist?

Sharron Angle is holding her own with Senator Reid in the Polls, in the last quarter she raised $14 million for her campaign, and millions more are being poured into attack ads against Reid by special and secret interest groups. Groups such as the Tea Party Express, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS which does NOT have to say who the donors are (GPS, get it, try and locate where the money is coming from). Special interest groups such as the US Chamber of Commerce who is receiving money from foreign nations and foreign corporations, the Koch Industries,who secretly fund the Tea Party and several other millionaires and billionaires whose names shall never be known because those special interest groups who pay for these attack ads are exempt from having to reveal the names of their donors.


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