Monday, March 25, 2013

SC Republican says veteran should have ‘come home in a body bag’

South Carolina Republican Todd Kincannon who is the former head of the South Carolina Republican Party, used his Twitter feed to attack former Iraqi war veteran Michael Prysner, saying that the veteran should have “come home in a body bag”.

@ToddKincannon March 24
.@MikePrysner You are an Iraq veteran? Shame you didn't come home in a body bag.

Kincannon tweeted his reply to Michael Prysner after he made some comments about Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez who died last week, and a Police Officer who Prysner called a “coward and a sociopath.”

The South Carolinian Republican also went on to say in another tweet about Michael Prysner, “I wish the Iraqis had better aim with his ass”.

@ToddKincannon March 24
“I wish the Iraqis had better aim with his ass. Yes, I hope if that guy is ever in combat again, the enemy splatters his brains JFK-style. He deserves it.”

Kincannon wrote several hate filled tweets which for the most part cannot be repeated here because of the vulgar words he used, but you can read some of the tweets related to this story here. Or, if you like you can go directly to Kincannon's Twitter feed and read how this man responds to everyone he has a problem with. Just a warning, he has a lot of hate filled rants filled with vulgarities.

This is not the first time this poor excuse for a man made news with his mouth, earlier this year during the Super Bowl, he attacked Trayvon Martin. Those tweets are also too vulgar to repeat but they can be found in this link.

And if you are looking for any comments from the South Carolina Republican Party distancing themselves from this man and his comments, none have been found as of this writing.

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