Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting old in Las Vegas getting harder thanks to Senator Heller - Las Vegas Democrat |

Getting old in Las Vegas getting harder thanks to Senator Heller - Las Vegas Democrat |

Senator Dean Heller who as a congressman voted to get rid of Medicare, twice, can now continue his anti senior crusade from the Senate. Senator Heller has been assigned to the Senate’s Special Committee on Aging, whose task is to safeguard the welfare of seniors in Nevada and those across the United States. Right now you are asking yourself if this is a joke, rest assured it is no joke.

Senator Heller, the man who voted to end Medicare is now on the Senate’s Special Committee on Aging. Heller also wants to privatize Social Security, he wants to give your Social Security income tax to banks, the same banks who left millions of American citizens holding the bag (the empty 401k and investment bag) when our financial institutions came tumbling down in 2008, but that could never happen again, right?. The financial institutions bounced back quite nicely thanks to the bailouts, but millions of Americans are still left treading water trying to keep from drowning, while millions of others already have.


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