Friday, December 17, 2010

Eric Cantor sets new House work schedule, two weeks on, one week off - Las Vegas Democrat |

Eric Cantor sets new House work schedule, two weeks on, one week off - Las Vegas Democrat |

As the new Majority Leader for the incoming Congress, Eric Cantor (R-VA) is responsible for setting the work schedule for the new Congress. The schedule will be: work two weeks, then take one week off, work two weeks, then take one week off, etc.

Cantor said that he has examined the current congressional work schedule for the last few months and he says with a two weeks on, one week off schedule it will “maximize efficiency“. And he was serious.

"More days in session has always resulted in bigger, more intrusive government, not more production. What matters is who’s in charge and the process put in place, not the number of days in session," said Brad Dayspring, a spokesman for Cantor.


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