Friday, December 17, 2010
Eric Cantor sets new House work schedule, two weeks on, one week off - Las Vegas Democrat |
As the new Majority Leader for the incoming Congress, Eric Cantor (R-VA) is responsible for setting the work schedule for the new Congress. The schedule will be: work two weeks, then take one week off, work two weeks, then take one week off, etc.
Cantor said that he has examined the current congressional work schedule for the last few months and he says with a two weeks on, one week off schedule it will “maximize efficiency“. And he was serious.
"More days in session has always resulted in bigger, more intrusive government, not more production. What matters is who’s in charge and the process put in place, not the number of days in session," said Brad Dayspring, a spokesman for Cantor.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
House passes Senate Tax Bill now awaits Presidents signature - Las Vegas Democrat |
The House just held a final vote to past the Senate Tax Bill (which passed yesterday), the House passed the Bill by a vote of 277-148.
The Senate tax Bill was brokered by President Obama and Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell earlier this month after the Republicans held 2 million unemployed Americans hostage as their unemployment benefits were set to expire around Christmas Day. The Republicans also held millions of middle class working American families hostage as well by saying the middle class and the poor will get nothing, zip, nada, zilch, unless the rich get their tax cuts.
The legislation will continue the Bush era tax cuts for everyone including the wealthiest Americans for two more years. The Bush ear tax cuts, which were passed ten years ago through reconciliation with Dick Cheney casting the tie breaker vote in the Senate, were rammed down the throats of working Americans, 90 percent of the Tax cuts went to the top two percent in America, everyone else were given crumbs, they call it trickle down. But Americans felt something else trickling down.
The Bush Tax cuts for the rich added 2.5 trillion to the National Debt because they were unfunded, they again are being rammed down the throats of working Americans for another two years and still remain unfunded while adding an additional $858 Billion to our National Debt.
The Bush era tax cuts were set to expire at midnight December 31.
Among the items included in the legislation is a 13 month extension of unemployment benefits, a 2 percent income tax break for working American and Billions in tax breaks for the rich again.
The Bill now goes to the President for his signature. And two years from now as we are in the heat of the 2012 Presidential campaigns, we will all be forced to listen to this debate all over again. Gee, I wonder who will benefit.
You've heard of a Turducken, a Duck shoved up a Turkey then baked...Well now comes the Donkiphant, a Donkey shoved up an Elephant's backside then it sits on the American Public.
And the next time the Republicans pound their chest about lowering our National Debt, ask them to pound their chests harder, until it hurts.
Nevada GOP Presidential Caucus to be held on February 18, 2012 - Las Vegas Democrat |
Nevada Republican Party Chairman Mark Amodei announced today that the GOP Presidential Caucus will be held February 18, 2012.
News Release
Nevada to Hold Presidential Caucus on February 18, 2012
Cory Adair
Nevada Republican Party
RENO, NEVADA – Nevada Republican Party Chairman Mark Amodei released the following statement regarding Nevada’s Presidential Caucus:
“Last evening, the Nevada Republican Party’s State Executive Committee voted to hold the Nevada Republican Presidential Caucus on Saturday, February 18, 2012, making our state the third Republican presidential contest overall and the first in the Western United States.
“This decision will allow Nevada Republicans the opportunity to help select our party’s presidential nominee. This is an important responsibility, because the failed economic policies of President Obama have made Nevada the nation's leader in unemployment. Nevadans cannot afford four more years of his job-killing agenda in the White House.”
State Senator Mark Amodei will have his work cutout for him as Nevada Republicans try and bring the fractured party together. Tea Party groups in Nevada this past election rejected Nevada’s GOP backed Sue Lowden in favor of Sharron Angle who lost her race for US Senate against Senator Harry Reid. Tea Party groups in Nevada are looking to replace the established GOP Party with Tea Party members.
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Rep. Dina Titus considers run for 2012 congress - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Congresswoman Dina Titus (D-NV) who was first elected in 2008 and lost her re-election bid to Joe Heck (R-NV) this past November, says she is considering a run for Congress in 2012 and will make her decision by next summer.
Speaking to Politico, Titus spoke about the redistricting that is coming now that the 2010 Census numbers are in. Nevada will be receiving a fourth Congressional seat due to its population explosion over the last ten years.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sue Lowden named to State Board of Medical Examiners - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Former candidate for US Senate Sue Lowden who earlier this year made national headlines with her comments of using a barter system to pay for doctors visits after telling a story about her grandparents, today was named to the State Board of Medical Examiners by Governor Jim Gibbons.
The Las Vegas Sun said that “Lowden will represent the public at large on the board that regulates doctors in Nevada.”
Sue Lowden comment on Nevada Newsmakers discussing what became known as “Chickens for Check-ups: (Video on the left)
Sen. Reid to Republicans ‘There's still Congress after Christmas’ - Las Vegas Democrat |
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today said he expects to have a final vote tonight on the tax deal that was worked out by President Obama and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Senate Reid said the vote may come “sometime before midnight” if he reaches agreement with Republicans to act before the time allotted for debate runs out at 12:30 a.m. Senate passage will send the tax issue to the House, where Democrats have been fighting President Obama’s decision to extend the Bush era tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Breaking: Federal Judge in Virginia declares Obamacare unconstitutional - Las Vegas Democrat |
After seeing Federal judges strike down other law suits against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, a Federal Judge in Virginia has now declared it unconstitutional. Next stop the right winged Supreme Court.
The Health Care Reforms that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid negotiated in the Senate had caused a major uproar in our country in the summer of 2009. Town Hall meetings were filled with irate people shouting down politicians trying to explain the Health care reforms.
AP is reporting that a federal judge in Virginia has declared the Obama administration's health care reform law unconstitutional.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sharron Angle quote makes Yale top ten list - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Former Nevada candidate for US Senate Sharron Angle who was backed by the Tea Party but ended up losing to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, is not forgotten.
Yale University has released one of its many year end Top Ten lists, this list covers memorable quotes.
Delaware’s Tea Party backed candidate Christine O’Donnell was tied for number one with her statement “I’m not a Witch”.
There are many memorable quotes from this past years, but here are the ones that made it onto Yale Universities Top Ten Quotes for 2010, enjoy.
Read List Here:
Friday, December 10, 2010
Rep. Dean Heller announces Budget Spending Cut - Las Vegas Democrat |
Rep. Dean Heller (R-NV) today has announced that he will join the soon to be Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH), on a spending cut to highlight just how serious they are about cutting government spending and waste.
John Boehner will introduce the Reduction of Irresponsible Members Representational Allowance Growth Act that was first introduced by Heller in 2009. The (MRA) is an allowance given to each member of congress to pay for office upgrades for new carpets, furniture, etc.
Rep. Heller said, “The proposed cuts to congressional office budgets would be a meaningful step towards true fiscal responsibility”.
There is nothing that says you are more serious about spending cuts, than cutting your tax payer paid office furniture expenses. A few more office cut backs, and that nasty budget deficit will be a thing of the past, in about 300 years.
If Dean Heller truly wants to show his support for cutting budgets, such as the national budget deficit, he could start by showing his support against adding $700 billion to the deficit via tax cuts for the richest Americans. That would be a true “meaningful step towards true fiscal responsibility”.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Senate fails on cloture vote for DADT Sen. Ensign votes no - Las Vegas Democrat |
Earlier today the US Senate held a cloture vote on the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) which in its current form allows lesbians and gays to serve in the Military as long as they don’t tell anyone that they are gay or lesbian. The vote failed to receive the 60 votes needed to end the Republican filibuster, the final vote count was 57-40 with three Senators not voting.
The repeal of DADT has the support of the Secretary of Defense Bill Gates, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen, 70 percent of those currently serving in the military, more then 70 percent of the American people, the President of the United States Barack Obama, the US House of Representatives, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), but not Nevada’s junior Senator John Ensign (R-NV) who earlier signaled that he was in favor of repealing DADT, but voted no today.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Nevada General election had renewed interest from ‘inactive’ voters - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
According to Ross Miller the Secretary of State Nevada, the total number of active voters in Nevada increased by more than 30,000 following for the Nov. 2 General Election.
More then 30,000 voters who are listed as registered but “inactive” came out and voted this past November 2nd.
The race for US Senate between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Tea Party backed Sharron Angle (R-NV) had close to $100 millions dollars in ads poured into it, which certainly had a lot to do with "inactive voters" in Nevada coming out to vote.
GOP offer the ‘Gift of Coal’ for 2 million Americans this Christmas - Las Vegas Democrat |
A few days ago the Republican Party filibustered a Democratic Party Bill to extend unemployment benefits for 2 million Americans as we approach Christmas. Then Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) sent a letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and the Democrats which was signed by all 42 Senate Republicans saying, “we will not agree to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to any legislative item “, meaning they will filibuster everything until they get what they want, which is to extend the Bush era tax cuts for the richest people in America.
The Letter: (Full Text)
"We write to inform you that until the Senate has acted to fund the government and we have prevented the tax increase that is currently awaiting all American taxpayers. With little time left in this Congressional session, legislative scheduling should be focused on these critical priorities. While there are other items that might ultimately be worthy of the Senate's attention, we cannot agree to prioritize any matters above the critical issues of funding the government and preventing a job-killing tax hike."
In a rare Saturday Senate session, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid held two votes on extending the Bush era tax cuts for the middle class, but excluded the tax cuts on the rich. The first vote was to extended them for families making under $250,000 and the second vote was extending for families making under $1 million dollars. Both votes did not get the 60 votes needed to end the republican filibuster and allow the full senate to debate the tax cuts and then vote on the legislation which would then only a require a simple majority to pass.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Senators Reid and Ensign split on Tax Cuts for the Rich - Las Vegas Democrat |
In a special Saturday Senate session Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid held two votes regarding the Bush tax cuts that are set to expire at midnight December 31.
The first vote was to extend tax cuts for the middle class families making under $250,000 and let the unfunded Bush tax cuts for everyone above that number revert back to the tax rate under former President Bill Clinton of 39.6 percent.
The second vote raised the $250,000 to $1,000,000 and under to maintain the current tax rate and anyone making more than $1 million have their tax rates revert back to 39.6 percent.
Both votes only received 53 yeas, with every republican in attendance voting no and with a few democrats joining them. 60 votes are needed to end the filibuster and send the legislation to the full senate floor for debate and a final vote that would only require a simple majority to pass.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Dick Cheney charged with bribery, several Halliburton personnel arrested - Las Vegas Democrat |
An arrest warrant will be issued for former Vice President and former CEO of Halliburton, Dick Cheney. The Nation of Nigeria has indicted Cheney on bribery charges. The charges involve Cheney and Halliburton in a $180 million bribery case.
Halliburton, along with three other companies, are charged with conspiring to corner a $6 billion contract to build a natural gas plant in the Niger Delta.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wikileaks Julian Assange is a marked man next document dump on US Banks - Las Vegas Democrat |
The latest round of leaks from WikiLeaks, covers about 250,000 US State Department diplomatic communications that have made the United States government look and sound foolish.
These communications with caricature tidbits and gossip on various world leaders, along with some very candid talk about mutual enemies like Iran and North Korea, could put lives in danger, and were never meant for public view.
Sect. of State Hillary Clinton, US Ambassadors and State department officials around the world are scrambling to repair the diplomatic damages caused by the latest round of leaks.
The leaked documents originated from the Pentagon data base which contains the State Department communications and they were accessed by Army SPC Bradley Manning while he was serving in Iraq. Manning has been in custody for several months with the first leaks by WikiLeaks happening earlier this year. Those leaks centered around US military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan detailing strategies, tactics, the local population and confidant sources.
And the Pentagon has not been clear on whether others besides Manning were involved in giving sensitive information to WikiLeaks.
But it is only now that our government is trying to put an end to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange who is Australian, from causing anymore damage with further leaks. When WikiLeaks leaked information earlier in the year about Iraq and Afghanistan there was no rush to contain further damage. Now that Assange has gone public with his planned dump of sensitive banking information, the whole world wants to shut him up.
US Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters Monday that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Defense (DOD) are conducting a criminal investigation of WikiLeaks over its release of confidential government communications. Holder condemned WikiLeaks' recent release of government cables, saying that it threatens US national security, specifically by risking the safety of those serving the country and straining important diplomatic relationships. The DoJ is looking into whether they can charge Assange under the Espionage Act.
Congressman Peter King (R-NY) said that what WikiLeaks did was “worse than a Military Attack” against the United States, and he wants WikiLeaks to be declared a terrorist organization because he didn‘t like what they leaked. Nobody is happy with the data dump. But WikiLeaks is merely a hub for whistleblowers, its not a terrorist organization. They may be guilty of some crime which some court somewhere may someday rule, but the only people terrorized from WikiLeaks are people in our government, and other governments around the world.
I bet if you asked the families and friends of the 9-11 victims, they would disagree with King.
That brings us to WikiLeaks next target. US Banks.
Julian Assange gave an interview to Forbes and said his next data dump will cover at least one US Bank, the Bank of America, and possibly others. He told Forbes that he pans to make the financial data available in two or three months.
In the interview with Forbes conducted in London on November 11, Assange said that he’s still sitting on a trove of secret documents, about half of which relate to the private sector. And WikiLeaks’ next target will be a major American bank. “It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume,” he said, adding: “For this, there’s only one similar example. It’s like the Enron emails.”
That only leaves the United States financial institutions two or three months at the most to stop WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from doing to them, what they did to everyone else.
Assange is hiding out at an undisclosed location, he‘s gone underground, he gave an interview to Time magazine yesterday from his undisclosed location through the Skype internet phone service.
Interpol has alerted member states to arrest WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange on suspicion of rape on the basis of a Swedish arrest warrant. The charges were previously dropped and supporters of Julian Assange say that he is being set up.
"There is a public 'Red Notice' on behalf of Sweden," a spokeswoman told AFP, confirming that Interpol had posted Sweden's request for assistance in tracking down the 39-year-old Australian on its website.
The Red Notice is the equivalent of putting him on Interpol's most wanted list.
Here in the US, both the Department of Justice and the Pentagon are looking into charges of espionage, and Peter King wants WikiLeaks declared a terrorist organization
The chances of WikiLeaks leaking information on the Bank of America and other financial institutions regarding their rolls in the economic collapse that started in 2007 may not happen because of the big red target that is now painted on the back of Julian Assange..
If Julian Assange is not found and placed under arrest soon, his website will certainly have its plug pulled or hacked and crashed just as it was a few days ago.
Financial institutions will be doing everything they can to prevent him from telling the world about their dirty little secrets. And financial institutions have deep pockets and the leverage for pulling the strings of our government and governments around the world.
Sarah Palin likes to say you don't mess with "Mama Grizzlies", well, a "Mama Grizzly" is a pussy cat compared to the Banks who hold the purse strings. Julian Assange is now a marked man, there is a sense of urgency to arrest him and to pull the plug on his whistleblower website WikiLeaks, when there was no such efforts after past leaks. When he told Forbes in the interview that US Banks were next on his hit list, he sealed his own fate.
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Saturday, November 27, 2010
GOP playing politics with Nuclear Weapons makes US vulnerable - Las Vegas Democrat |
You may recall Ronald Reagan’s famous slogan for the START treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) that brought the Soviet Russia and the United States together to reduce nuclear weapons by both nations, “Trust, but Verify”.
The START treaty allowed both sides to make sure that nuclear weapons reductions were actually being carried out, not just saying they are doing it, but “verify“ that it is being done.
Now that has all changed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his cohort Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) have put a hold on the legislation.
These obstructionist tactics are the same as they have been the previous two years, block everything and anything that could possible be seen as a victory for President Obama, and that includes ending the START treaty that was first put into place by Ronald Reagan and renewed by several congress’s and carried out by every President since, and it has always been a non-partisan issue.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Justice Scalia: The 14th Amendment does not guarantee Liberty for All - Las Vegas Democrat |
Last Friday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia spoke to an audience at the University of Richmond during a luncheon lecture, entitled “Do Words Matter?”, and about 250 people mostly made up of faculty members and legal professionals were treated to what a strict constitutionalist sounds like.
Justice Scalia spoke on the Constitution not being a “living document”, and railed against the 14th Amendment that opened the door for Roe v. Wade and Homosexual civil rights and liberties.
A short refresher on the “Equal Amendment Clause” to the 14th Amendment:
"Equal Protection Clause" of the 14th Amendment, upon which entirely hangs the hopes of the federal marriage equality movement, reads: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Rush Limbaugh suggests Presidents children should be groped - Las Vegas Democrat |
Right wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh today suggested on his show that President Obama "take his daughter to the airport and have a TSA grope her".
How can any conservative condone his words and still call themselves a conservative. This was sick, and he just keeps on doing what he’s doing, and the so-called conservatives sit with one hand under their bottoms and the other hand covering their mouths.
This is not the first time the Limbaugh has gone after the President’s children. And he has also made racial remarks about the Presidents wife Michelle, and as we all know he has injected his racist views toward the President ever since he was a candidate running for President. There are literally to many clips, but one website, Media Matters records Limbaugh as well as others and if you really want to hear this sick S.O.B. click here.
Fox News rejects DADT repeal ad - Las Vegas Democrat |
The GOP propaganda channel Fox “News” has rejected an ad the highlights various allied Generals in support of Gays and Lesbians serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Fox “News” the Unfair and Unbalanced” propaganda channel that features several contributors and hosts who are clearly Unbalanced, said no to the ad because it does not fit the GOP Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell agenda.
The United States Secretary of Defense Bill Gates, and the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen, both testified before Congress earlier this year saying that they support the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT).
A soon to be released study by the Pentagon shows overwhelming support for the repeal of DADT from the troops currently serving.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Senate Republicans voted today to keep women under paid - Las Vegas Democrat |
Today the US Senate voted on allowing the advancement of the Paycheck Fairness Act to the full Senate floor for further debate followed by a vote. The Bill would guarantee that women are paid equally to their male counterparts. And every single Republican in the Senate said “NO” with their vote. The “Party of No” prevails again and will not allow any debate or vote to be taken.
In a vote of 58-41 Republicans unanimously killed any debate on S. 3772 the Paycheck Fairness Act.
The House of representatives had already passed the Paycheck Fairness Act, along with 420 other Bills during the 111th Congress only to watch them die in the US Senate.
New Veterans Hospital in North Las Vegas will serve thousands of Nevadans - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
The new Veterans Hospital set to open in late 2012 near I-215 and Pecos will centralize the current Veterans healthcare system that uses clinics scattered throughout Southern Nevada.
The VA hospital that is currently under construction and about 50 percent completed will allow veterans from the current two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as veterans from previous wars to avoid having to travel to California for major surgeries.
There are currently 11 VA clinics spread throughout the Las Vegas valley with each specializing in various care for out-patients. The hospital at Nellis Air Force base, the Mike O'Callaghan Federal Hospital does perform some medical procedures for veterans. But most major surgeries are referred to VA hospitals in Southern California which cause hardships for both patients and family members because of the distance. Right now, some veterans need to fly to San Diego to get certain surgeries.
Doctor Ramu Komanduri who is the Chief of Staff for Southern Nevada’s VA system said, "Right now, we operate out of multiple different locations all over the valley. We're going to go from 11 different clinical sites to really coming down to a hospital. "When we open this medical center, the vast majority of their surgical care will be done here."
The Las Vegas VA healthcare system will also get four new outpatient clinics that are set to open in late 2011.
Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Senator Harry Reid played major rolls in securing the funds needed for Nevada to build the new VA hospital when Democrats in both the House and Senate passed the biggest VA funding legislation in history after President Obama was elected.
Information for Veterans who currently need assistance:
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
PO Box 360001
Las Vegas, NV 89036
Las Vegas - Homeless Veterans
912 West Owens Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89106
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Monday, November 15, 2010
Bush Tax Cuts or Lower Deficits, pick one, you can’t have both - Las Vegas Democrat |
After the trouncing the democrats in the House took earlier this month in the General Election, little is expected to get accomplished during the lame duck session that starts today. But one issue that is certainly to become the main focus will be whether or not to let the unfunded Bush Tax Cuts for the rich expire as originally planned ten years ago by Bush and his Republican congress who enacted the giveaway.
The unfunded tax cuts which are set to expire December 31, 2010 at midnight added $2.5 trillion to the national debt over the ten years. Republicans in 2001 and 2003 said that the tax cuts would lower our deficit and our debt, but had the complete opposite affect.
"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —President George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002
Bush was wrong again, those same Republicans are telling you that they want to extend the unfunded Bush tax cuts for the rich and make the cuts permanent, and they again say this will lower our deficit and our national debt, again. The Tea Party and Republican base who seem to like cutting the tip of their noses off are saying, Fool me once, fool me again, and again and again and again.
Neo-Nazi’s march in Phoenix, riot breaks out (Video) - Las Vegas Democrat |
This past Saturday in Phoenix AZ, white supremacist members of the Neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement protested in front of the Sandra Day O’Connor Federal Court Building and a riot broke out.
Counter protesters showed up along with 100 police officers in riot gear.
According to the local ABC affiliate (watch video on left) the Nazis had a permit to hold their protest rally while the anti-Nazi protesters did not. Soon violence broke out and the anti-Nazi protesters were throwing rocks at the Nazi’s as well as the police, and the police responded with tear gas and pepper spray.
Two arrests were made for throwing rocks at police officers according to Sgt. Tommy Thompson with the Phoenix Police Department and charged with aggravated assault.
The Neo-Nazis were there to protest the Federal Governments hold on Arizona’s controversial and unconstitutional anti-immigration Bill SB 1070.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Racist woman verbally and physically attacks Postal Worker (Videos) - Las Vegas Democrat |
Warning: Videos contain graphic language some viewers will find offensive and disturbing.
USPS mail carrier Hugson Jean, 47, of Roslindale, MA ,was delivering mail to Erika Winchester, of Hingham, MA, when he was verbally and physically assaulted by the 60 year old woman, and it was reordered on his cell phone video.
Almost a year went by before Jean posted the videos on YouTube which have now gone viral and picked up by the National and Worldwide press.
In the videos Erika Winchester is demanding that the letters she signed for be taken back and the signed cards of her accepting the letters be given to her. The mail carrier said he cannot do that and Winchester became very angry. She called him the “N” word several times, told him that she had a friend on the Police department that would arrest him and lock him up forever.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Keith Olbermann, Media Bias and Ethics - Las Vegas Democrat |
In case you missed last Friday’s big news story, MSNBC suspended Keith Olbermann who hosts the show “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.
Olbermann was suspended because he did not get prior permission from MSNBC for three campaign donations of $2400.00 each to Democrats running for congress as his contract stipulates.
Joe Scarborough who hosts MSNBC’s early morning show called “Morning Joe”, made contributions and even campaigned for some candidates, but was not suspended. But we are told he had permission.
According to Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC’s rule say “there is an explicit employee rule against hosts making contributions like that. You can do it if you ask in advance and management tells you OK. That‘s what I understand happened with our morning show host‘s political donations in 2006 under previous management. But if you don‘t ask in advance for an exemption from the rule, you are bound by the rule.”
MSNBC's President Phil Griffin issued statement on Friday regarding his decision to suspend Keith Olbermann.
“I became aware of Keith’s political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay,” Griffin wrote.
But not all News channels are the same. Fox marches to a different set of ethics and standards, one that is unprecedented in the field of journalism.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Democratic and Republican Parties: The Fool’s Folly - Las Vegas Democrat |
“Legislation is the Art of Compromise” Senator Harry Reid Nov 3, 2010
On the right side of the aisle, Republicans and Tea Party winners say the deficit is too big and we need to cut it, then they say in the next sentence we must extend all the Bush tax cuts including those for the rich and not just the middle class, which will add $700 billion to the deficit that they just said we must cut.
The Bush tax cuts over the past ten years were unfunded and added $1.4 trillion to the deficit, extending them will again add to the deficit because they are still unfunded, and just as Republicans didn’t care that they were unfunded ten years ago, they still don’t care that they are unfunded now and will again add to the deficit.
Before the election President Obama was pounding away on how the Bush tax cuts would add $700 billion to the deficit and how we must end the tax cuts for the rich but maintain them for the middle class. Today the White House is saying we are willing to compromise on the extensions for the rich and made no mention that it would add to the deficit.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Is Sharron Angle just misunderstood? - Las Vegas Democrat |
This is Sharron Angle:
Privatize the VA
Phase out Social Security
Phase out Medicare
Erase the Department of Education
Erase the Environmental Protection Agency
Create a Government Agency to control the bodies of all women who are pregnant
Force women who are raped to carry to full term
Remove all regulations for Banks
Remove all regulations for Wall Street
Remove all regulations for the Oil industry
Remove all regulations for Insurance companies
Remove all regulations for Health care industry
Bring the Nations Nuclear Waste to Yucca Mountain
Sharron Angle is not misunderstood, this is what Nevadans will get from Sharron Angle. There is nothing to misunderstand. Unless of course you only watch Fox “News“.
Complete Story Here:
Monday, November 1, 2010
Nevada General Election Results, easy Online site to follow - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Tomorrow is Election Day, which makes tomorrow night Election Watch.
Secretary of State Ross Miller has an easy to follow website to track the numbers as they come in.
Watch the results come in on your favorite candidates. See whose winning and who is lagging, county by county, and precinct by precinct.
Watch the US Senate race between Harry Reid and Sharron Angle. Will Rory Reid pull out a Win over Brian Sandoval? Will Dina Titus beat the heck out of Joe Heck?
‘Enthusiasm’ for Harry Reid showing up everywhere in Nevada - Las Vegas Democrat |
The US Senate race in Nevada between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Tea Party backed candidate Sharron Angle has been a tight race for months. The latest Polls by CNN and the Mason-Dixon Polling firm show her up by 4 points.
But everywhere else you look in Nevada you are see that preparations are being made by DC Republicans in anticipation of Sharron Angle losing the election. Fox “News” and their echo chambers are running fake stories about SEIU Union members tampering with voting machines, when in fact the software and equipment are verified for functionality at the national level and then are maintained by the individual counties. “A lack of a centralized authority renders that scenario an impossibility“.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Slideshow: 200,000 attend ’Rally for Sanity and or Fear’ - Las Vegas Democrat |
Jon Stewart of the "Daily Show" and Stephen Colbert of the "Colbert Report" held their "Rally to Restore Sanity" and "The March to Keep Fear Alive" today on the National Mall in Washington DC.
US Park Services put the unoffical number of those at the event, north of 200,000 people.
Stewart and Colbert held the stage for three hours and mixed their comedy routines with music from an assorment of singers, including Kid Rock, Sherly Crow, The Ojays, Cat Stevens (AKA Yusef) Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Bennett, The Roots and others.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Angle was asked today how she would handle the two wars then runs from press - Las Vegas Democrat |
Sharron Angle is back in Las Vegas today and channel News 8 was there to ask the would be candidate some questions, and again you see her walking away as fast as her feet will go only to say ask me after I am elected.
What is Sharron Angles plan to handle the two wars America is currently involved in she is asked, well, she is not saying, Angle said I will tell you ONLY “after I am elected“, if she is elected. She continues to run and hide from the Mainstream Media. She continues to run from her own words, and in this case she continues to run from questions she has no words for.
Watch the video, this is how she has dealt with the Mainstream Media in the past, or as she calls them, the “lamestream media” since she won the primary. People are actually voting for this woman who is making a farce out of our democracy and election process.
DOT Awards $2.4 Billion for High-speed Passenger Rail Corridors - Las Vegas Democrat |
Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, announced yesterday that $2.4 billion has been awarded to “54 projects in 23 States” to be used for “planning and construction of intercity passenger rail service”.
Nevada is getting a high-speed train from Las Vegas to Southern California thanks to Senator Harry Reid. A total of 23 States will be getting new train systems thanks to Senator Harry Reid. Tens of thousands of jobs will be created by this 25 year project, thanks to Senator Harry Reid.
From the White House Blog:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Voting machine malfunctions are lies spread by e-mail and media - Las Vegas Democrat |
Over the last few days the republican party has spread rumors and out right lies saying that some Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) have been rigged to automatically vote for Senator Reid. Seems they are paving the way for a court fight if Sharron Angle loses.
Fox “News” has even said that the Union, SEIU (Fox and the right wing hate Unions because they keep wages competitive, and corporation don't get as rich) has the contract to control and service the machine.
Except for the fact that the software and equipment are verified for functionality at the national level and then are maintained by the individual counties. A lack of a centralized authority renders that scenario an impossibility.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sharron Angle: I am hiding from "lamestream media" until after election - Las Vegas Democrat |
Today on the right wing talk show hosted by Heidi Harris, US Senate candidate Sharron Angle admitted that she was and is hiding from the mainstream media.
Angle says that the “lamestream media” is pro Harry Reid, I guess she doesn’t read Nevada’s largest newspaper the Las Vegas Review Journal which hates Reid and has been promoting Angle ever since she won the Primary back in June.
On top of that all the “lamestream media” has ever asked Angle, in the few times she has taken questions, was for her to comment on her own words. Words such as when she said people will have to use their “second amendment remedies” if she loses the election. Words like “phase out Social Security and Medicare” which she said in a pre-primary debate on Face to Face with Jon Ralston, words she now says she never said, even though its on video, everywhere.
Sharron Angle is afraid to talk to the mainstream media because she is afraid they will repeat her own words back to her and when she hears her own words she can hear how far right and out of the mainstream of America she really is.
Transcript from the Heidi Harris show:
District Attorney race David Roger vs. Don Chairez ,Clark County - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
But District Attorney David Roger has made headlines in recent weeks that show him as being persuaded by rich celebrities and good ole boy politics.
As you may recall Paris Hilton made national news recently after she was arrested for cocaine possession and lying to the police. Most anyone caught with cocaine and lying to the police would find themselves doing time in jail. But Paris Hilton was given probation and no jail time.
New Poll: Sharron Angle up by 4 points heading into Tuesday’s election - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
With only six days left before election day on November 2, a new poll by CNN/Time/Opinion Research survey shows Tea Party backed candidate Sharron Angle ahead of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The new poll shows 49%-45%.
The CNN/Time/Opinion Research poll was conducted October 20-26 among some 1,500 voters in each of the five states surveyed. The margin of error among likely voters is +/-3.5%
Complete Article Here:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Man who stomped on woman’s head identified and served with summons - Las Vegas Democrat |
This past Monday night prior to a US Senate debate between Tea Party backed Rand Paul and Democrat Jack Conway in Lexington Ky, the Rand Paul Bourbon County coordinator became violent, attacked a woman and stomped on her head as she was being held on the ground by another Rand Paul supporter, and its all caught on tape. (You can watch the video on the left.)
The Lexington Police Department (LPD) have identified Tim Profitt as the man who stomped on the head of Lauren Valle the victim. The LPD have served Profitt with a criminal summons ordering him to appear before a Fayette County District Court Judge.
Lauren Valle who was brought to a hospital afterwards was diagnosed with mild sprains and a concussion from the foot stomping she received.
Video: Woman stomped on her head by Tea Party supporter for Rand Paul - Las Vegas Democrat |
Minutes before Monday nights debate between Rand Paul (R-KY) and Jack Conway (D-KY) in Lexington, Ky a woman approached Rand Paul as he and his entourage were getting out of their car, but before she even had a chance to speak to him, a group of Rand Paul supporters grabbed her, ripped off a wig she was wearing, shoved her to the ground and stomped on her head, and it was all caught on tape by the local Fox affiliate.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Fox News viewership numbers plunge as audiences wise-up - Las Vegas Democrat |
The right wing GOP propaganda channel Fox “News” has seen a dramatic drop in their number of viewers since last year. Fox third quarter numbers for 2010 have decreased by 21 percent over the same period last year, and they have dropped 26 percent with younger viewers (25-54), and since this is an election year expectations would be that the numbers would increase, not decrease.
Fox “News” which is still the number one “News” channel on Cable (off-air channels ABC, CBS and NBC average between 11-13 million viewers per night) is now averaging 1.831 million prime time viewers a day, and only 443,000 viewers in the age demographic of 25-54. MSNBC which is second in viewership on cable news is seeing their primetime numbers increase. MSNBC is now averaging 687,000 viewers per day in the third quarter of this year compared to last year.
Complete Article Here:
Republicans in the 111th Congress have stopped their support for Veterans - Las Vegas Democrat |
A new report recently released by the nonpartisan organization Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) shows that most of the Republican Party has given up on their promise to support our troops after they come home.
Abraham Lincoln once said, “ To Care for Him who shall have Borne the Battle, and for his Widow, and his Orphan”.
Now, Republicans say, to pass any legislation for our troops that the Democratic Party proposes can be seen as a Victory for the Democratic Party by American Voters, so we shall oppose any and all legislation in the name of Politics, in order to take back control of Congress. We shall become the “Party of No“, or as Sarah “Wink Wink” Palin says, “The Party of Hell no”.
The majority of the “Party of Hell No” Voted “No” to the following list of Legislation. Some pieces of Legislation Passed and some Failed, and some are still stuck in Committee. You can see how YOUR representatives grade and how they voted on each of these by clicking here.
Complete Article Here:
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Attention Veterans Who really supports you and your families in DC find out here - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Does your House Rep say one thing to you and then vote differently? Does your Senator make promise out of one side of his/her mouth then vote the other side? Find out now if what they are telling you matches their votes.
The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) have set up a website that looks at the current 111th congress, just type in your zip code and see how they voted.
All of the Legislation voted on and Methodology used to determine their grade can be found here.
With our troops still engaged in two theaters of war and the number of wounded and those killed in action continuing to rise daily, your vote this November is of the utmost importance to make sure our Veterans and their families have the proper representation in Washington DC.
Complete Article Here:
Monday, October 18, 2010
Is Sharron Angle really an extremist? - Las Vegas Democrat |
Sharron Angle (R-NV) who is running for the US Senate against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has been accused of being an extremist, as someone who is to the far right of mainstream America and completely out of touch with reality.
Is that true? Is Sharron Angle out of touch with mainstream America? Is she an extremist?
Sharron Angle is holding her own with Senator Reid in the Polls, in the last quarter she raised $14 million for her campaign, and millions more are being poured into attack ads against Reid by special and secret interest groups. Groups such as the Tea Party Express, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS which does NOT have to say who the donors are (GPS, get it, try and locate where the money is coming from). Special interest groups such as the US Chamber of Commerce who is receiving money from foreign nations and foreign corporations, the Koch Industries,who secretly fund the Tea Party and several other millionaires and billionaires whose names shall never be known because those special interest groups who pay for these attack ads are exempt from having to reveal the names of their donors.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tea Party Folk: Tea Party Express is coming to Nevada, again - Las Vegas Democrat |
The Tea Party Express IV: Liberty at the Ballot Box! Tour will start here in Nevada on October 18, 2010 in Reno first, then onto Elko.
Then on October 19, 2010 the Express will head to Ely, and then onto Las Vegas.
The Tea Party Express gets part of the credit for Sharron Angle beating out Sue Lowden, the State Republican Party backed favorite, with money for an ad blitz promoting Angle over Lowden. So all you Tea Party Folk make sure you show up at one of those rallies to thank them for Sharron Angle.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Comedienne Rita Rudner narrates new ad: Sharron Angle’s CRAZY JUICE!!! - Las Vegas Democrat |
The latest campaign ad from Harry Reid has comedienne Rita Rudner narrating. The ad is a play on Sharron Angle offers her "juice" to the Tea Party of Nevada candidate Scott Ashjian if he would drop out of the US Senate race.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Birther Queen Orly Taitz targets Joe Heck with Endorsement - Las Vegas Democrat |
Orly Taitz, a lawyer a dentist, and the Queen of the “birthers”, (Birther: those that imagine President Obama was born in Kenya) has given a shout out on a web post to "Joe Hack" the republican candidate for Nevada’s 3rd congressional district (CD3), she is endorsing Joe Heck, but she wrote “Joe Hack“. She also misspelled precinct, but her fans won’t mind.
Here’s the headline:
So far there has been no comment from the Heck campaign. Can’t say I blame them.
This past week Sharron Angle was the recipient of the birther queen’s endorsement.
Could Brian Sandoval be next? Stay tuned.
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Brian Sandoval has no budget plan, Reid Press Release - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Early voting begins in two weeks on October 16th and Brian Sandoval has yet to release his proposed budget plan for Nevada before the voting begins
Both candidates have said that they would release their budget plans and how they would deal with a $3 billion deficit.
But, while Rory Reid did release his budget plan (Moving Nevada Forward), Brian Sandoval has not. And now it seems that Sandoval may not release his budget plan until AFTER the November election as he sits on a double digit lead in the polls.
Rory Reid is asking why Sandoval has not released his plan and because voters will be going to the polls shortly, it’s a fare question to ask.
The following is a press release from the Rory Reid campaign along with their latest campaign ad.
About that budget plan...
Monday, October 04, 2010
Complete Article Here:
Monday, October 4, 2010
Largest conservative Newspaper in Nevada endorses Sharron Angle - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
The Las Vegas Review-Journal, (LVRJ) the largest conservative newspaper in Las Vegas and the biggest in the State of Nevada announced yesterday that they will endorse the ultra right wing conservative candidate for US Senate Sharron Angle and not Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Sherman Frederick the Publisher of the LVRJ and Senator Reid have never liked each other and Mr. Frederick has never tried to hide his detest for Reid, not only in his right leaning headlines, but in his own personal OP-ED columns that he writes.
This was expected and no surprise to anyone who follows politics in the State of Nevada or to those that read the LVRJ.
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Sunday, October 3, 2010
Attention Veterans, Sharron Angle want to privatize the VA - Las Vegas Democrat |
In early 2007 at the Walter Reed Army Hospital it was discovered that wounded soldiers were forced to live with cockroaches in rat infested quarters while they went through rehab and physical therapy, which for many lasted months and for some a lifetime.
Walter Reed Army Hospital which had been known as the Army’s top rated hospital and rehab facility for decades was in shambles.
The cause was the privatization of Walter Reid in 2002 under President Bush’s “competitive sourcing initiative“,which awarded a $200 million contract to IAP Worldwide Services.
So how could the Army’s top rated hospital go from hero to zero because of privatization? Congress was wondering the same thing.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Some US cities already under Sharia Law Sharron Angle plays fear card - Las Vegas Democrat |
Yesterday, Sharron Angle made an appearance at a rally in Mesquite, NV. held at Scotty’s restaurant located at the Falcon Ridge Golf Course. The rally which drew an estimated 400 people, was held for Sharron Angle and Cresent Hardy, a local businessman who is currently running for Nevada State Assembly District 20.
Mr. Hardy was in the hospital at the time and was unable to attend.
The Tea Party Patriots and the Mesquite Republican Women's Club co-sponsored the event, along with the Friends of the Founding Fathers, a local conservative political group.
After arriving more than 90 minutes late, Sharron Angle was still greeted with enthusiasm by the crowd.
Sharron Angle gave a speech and as usual blamed all of the economic woes in Nevada on Senator Harry Reid. Angle talked about how she has a three pronged approach to Government, “ “Cut back, pay back, and take back”, which fits nicely on a bumper Sticker and is easy for her to remember.
After her speech Angle took questions from the group.
One of the last questioners asked Sharron Angle about "Muslims taking over the U.S.," and about her stance on the mosque near Ground Zero in New York.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Like a moth to a flame Orly Taitz endorses Sharron Angle - Las Vegas Democrat |
Yesterday, the charlatan Orly Taitz who is infamous for her “President Obama is not an American” schtick, announced her endorsement of Sharron Angle (R-NV). Those that now believe the conspiracy started by Taitz that President Obama was born in Kenya are called “birthers” in the media.
Even though the Supreme Court said that both John McCain and Barack Obama are American citizens during the 2008 campaign, and even with Obama posting his Certificate of Birth on the Internet, that was not good enough for the “birthers”.
Sharron Angle asks Tea Party candidate Scott Ashjian to quit race - Las Vegas Democrat |
Sharron Angle (R-NV) who is being backed by the Tea Party Express and the Club for Growth with campaign ads, met privately with Scott Ashjian, the Tea Party of Nevada candidate for US Senate. Angle asked Mr. Ashjian to quit the race, and his answer was no.
Jon Ralston the host of the political talk show Face to Face on NBC channel 3 (Monday through Friday at 6:30 pm) and who writes for the Las Vegas Sun, obtained two voicemail messages left for the Chairman of the Tea Party of Nevada, Sid James, that were placed by Cleta Mitchell, a GOP DC lawyer. Mr. Ralston said the messages for Mr. James were actually left at another house. The DC lawyer called the wrong number, twice.
Here is Mr. Ralston’s report in the Las Vegas Sun:
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sharron Angle: What she will do to you and Nevada’s Health Care if elected - Las Vegas Democrat |
Sharron Angle (R-NV) as you know is running for the US Senate against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Senator Reid has accused Sharon Angle of being an extremist. To combat the extremist tag, Sharron Angle now says that she is a “moderate” and is part of mainstream America”.
Sharron Angle has said that she would repeal “Obamacare”, and just to be clear, what she is actually proposing to repeal is the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”. And in that Act is a portion called the “Patients Bill of Rights”
*Health Care Reforms:
This last Thursday, September 23, 2010, portions of the Patient’s Bill of Rights kicked into effect and Sharron Angle is against each and would “repeal” the following.
Complete Story Here:
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 buzz link shares -
Republicans today stopped a vote that would end the tax breaks for corporations who outsource jobs to other countries. With the economy and jobs being the number one concern for Americans the Republican obstructionists in Congress continue to support Wall Street and piss on Main Street.
For several years, we the Tax payer have been giving tax breaks to corporations for shipping American jobs to other countries. The Democrats had proposed a Bill that would end that tax break and give a tax credit to those who create jobs here in the USA, but the Republicans said, “no”.
Complete Story Here:
Tea Party of Nevada candidate will remain on General Election ballot - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Tea Party of Nevada candidate for US Senate Scott Ashjian (T-NV) will remain on the November General Election ballot.
Tim Fasano a candidate for US Senate with the Independent American Party (IAP) filed a law suit last summer to have Scott Ashjian’s named removed from the General Election ballot saying that at the time Ashjian filed to represent the Tea Party of Nevada as its candidate for US Senate, he was still registered as a Republican.
District Judge James T. Russell ruled in favor of Ashjian, but IAP filed an appeal. The appeal has not been ruled on yet, but according to Secretary of State Ross Miller, Nevada laws dictates that “no change may be made to the ballot” after 5 pm on the first Tuesday after the primary election. The Nevada Primary was held on June 8th of this year, which would mean that on June 15th no further changes could be made.
Miller also said that more than 2000 absentee ballots were mailed and 500 ballots have already been completed and mailed back.
Complete Story Here:
Monday, September 27, 2010
Public banned from Reid-Angle debate because of Tea Party Violence - Las Vegas Democrat |
Last week at a town hall/non-debate debate event between Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and candidate Sharron Angle (R-NV), a fight broke out near the end of the event with audience members.
A Sharron Angle supporter punched one woman in the face and pushed another over some chairs.
Now, thanks to Sharron Angle and her Tea Party supporter, the public will be banned from the October 14, 2010 debate between Reid and Angle, the only planned debate between the two.
Complete Article Here:
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sharron Angle: Woman punched in the face "looking for a fight" - Las Vegas Democrat |
This past Thursday night 800 people packed at room at the Faith Lutheran Jr./Sr. High School in Las Vegas, for a town hall like event that featured Sharron Angle and Harry Reid (Reid responses were recorded in advance because the Senate is in Session right now) in a non debate, debate. And then a fight broke near the end of this event.
Complete Article Here:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
New Health Care Laws begin this Thursday, Insurance companies abandon children - Las Vegas Democrat |
Some of the new health care laws that are in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), which was signed into Law on March 23, 2010, will go into effect this Thursday, September 23, 2010.
Some of the key components that start this Thursday include:
- Young people will be able to stay on their parents’ health insurance plans up to age 26
- Insurance companies can no longer drop people from coverage when they become sick and need it most
- No discrimination against children with pre-existing conditions
Four of the bigger insurance companies have decided that insuring children with pre-existing problems is not profitable, so they have chosen to drop children from their insurance rolls ahead of the Laws that will take affect on Thursday. Insurers including WellPoint and CoventryOne have announced in recent days that they're dropping children's coverage in California, Colorado, Ohio and Missouri, according to Health Care for America Now(HCAN).
Monday, September 20, 2010
Do Tea Party conventioneers no longer want to party? - Las Vegas Democrat |
The Tea Party Nation has canceled its Tea Party Unity Convention, again.
The original Tea Party Unity Convention was scheduled for July 15-17, 2010 at the Palazzo Resort and Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event organizers said that they canceled because its “hot” in Las Vegas during the month of July. So they moved the convention to October 14-16, again to be in Las Vegas, but at the Mirage Resort and Hotel Casino, instead.
And now it seems that without even a whisper from the Tea Party Nation, the “Unity” convention has been canceled completely, or so it would seem.
The Unity Convention was to cost $399.00 plus Hotel and Air fare.
The guests scheduled to appear included Sharron Angle, Lou Dobbs, Andrew Breitbart, and last heard Sarah Palin and her $100.000 speakers fee.
The link to register for the Unity Convention and information sign up page has been removed and replaced with a 404 error page. The link to make reservations at the Mirage comes up, error, code expired.
A search on the Tea Party Nation website shows no mention of the convention or any reason for its cancellation.
Another Tea Party convention, the LibertyXPO, which was billed as the largest political Tea Party event in the movement's history failed miserably when no one bothered to show up when it kicked off in DC Sept. 10. As Mother Jones' Stephanie Mencimer reported, "organizers were still begging for $40,000 to help pay for the event" as the XPO got underway. Two days later, marchers at the poorly-attended second 9/12 rally in DC went after Glenn Beck for using up tea party travel money on his Aug. 28 rally to himself.
This Novembers election will have a big impact against the Democratic Party in Congress, but with several GOP backed Republicans who lost their primaries to Tea Party backed candidates, this election is also going to have a big impact on the Republican Party.
The Tea Party is removing the Conservatives in the Republican Party and replacing them with ultra Conservatives. The Tea Party candidates that have won their party primaries have past the “purity test” that the Tea Party demands. It is no longer acceptable for a politician to agree on 99 percent of all issues, they must now agree 100 percent on every issue.
The Democratic Party will take a beating this November, its expected, they are the ones in power, and we still have plenty of problems from the last President that need to be fixed. And those problems are not being fixed fast enough, so we will see many Democrats lose.
But the GOP is facing an insurrection from within its own party, and unless the establishment GOP members can come to terms with the extreme conservatives splitting their party, they will lose more of their established party members in elections to come, and they will see their party driven so far out into right field, that the rest of the nation will be to their left.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sen. Ensign votes No, on "Small Business Lending Act" - Las Vegas Democrat |
The US Senate today by a vote of 61-38 broke another Republican led filibuster. This time is was for the Small Business Lending Act, and it was passed with the help of two republicans, one is retiring and the other is NOT Senator Ensign. Senator George LeMieux (R-FL), was the other Republican who put his, State and his Country first, and the Republican Party second.
This Bill is meant to make lending to small businesses easier. The $30 billion government funded Bill will help open lending for credit-starved small businesses, cut their taxes and boost federal loan programs. Larger banks who were bailed out with former President Bush’s TARP programs, took the money, but would not lend to small business. But they did pay themselves fat bonus’s.
The Democrats have been trying to pass this Bill for several months because it will help to create jobs here in Nevada and across the country. Jobs that Nevada’s OTHER Senator, John Ensign has helped to stop from being created
Complete Story Here:
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Reid-Angle and Reid-Sandoval a stark difference in Poll numbers - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Another Poll was released today, this time the Poll was conducted for Reuters by Ipsos. The Poll for US Senator shows Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) with 46 percent and Sharron Angle (R-NV) with 44 percent.
Ipsos polled 600 registered Nevada voters, of which 463 said they are likely to vote, was conducted Friday through Sunday. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points for registered voters and 4.6 points for likely voters.
Complete Story Here:
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Who has endorsed "The Real Sharron Angle"? - Las Vegas Democrat |
The endorsement list of Sharron Angle reads like a who’s who list, because most of the endorsements do NOT come from anyone who lives in Nevada, so for anyone living in Nevada who might read the list, they would be asking, who is that?
Most of her endorsements come from 527 PAC’s from out of State, private and corporate entities that hide behind patriotic sounding names like Citizens United or Freedomworks. They are Washington insiders who want to advance corporate agendas and to remove Senator Harry Reid for political and financial gain, and they know nothing about the lives of people living in Nevada.
As we have seen since she has won the primary
Complete Story Here:
Friday, September 10, 2010
Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, call their suckers "Tea Party Folk" - Las Vegas Democrat |
Tomorrow, Glenn “Crocodile Tears” Beck and Sarah “Wink Wink” Palin are holding a 9-11 festival and rally in Anchorage, Alaska. Tickets range from $74.00 to $115.00, with VIP tickets available for $225.00.
These two right wing extremists say they are going to commemorate the horrific attack to our country on September 11, 2001 by profiting off of the dead.
Glenn Beck said on his radio show that "I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions". He also said on that show that the victims of Hurricane Katrina were “scumbags”. You would think that it would be obvious who the real scumbags are, but there are at least 4500 people that are clueless. Organizers for the event have said that most of the 4500 seats have been sold.
Complete Story Here
Gallup: Democrats and Republicans now tied in generic voting preference - Las Vegas Democrat |
After several weeks of tracking polls showing republicans being preferred in Congressional races, a new poll released by Gallup shows both partied are tied at 46 percent.
Republicans have held a lead in the weekly Congressional preference poll for the last several weeks, and the new tracking poll has the democrats trending up and Republicans trending down.
Complete Story Here:
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Republican Senator will join Democrats in support of small Businesses - Las Vegas Democrat |
Republican Senator George Voinovich (R-OH), is breaking ranks with his fellow republicans who have previously voted no on every tax cut for small businesses that would have helped move our country forward and help create jobs.
The retiring Senator said that his State of Ohio is hurting and he is ready to end the political games being played out by his party in the Senate, which is led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
Senator Voinovich doesn’t care if the passage of this Bill is seen as a victory for President Obama and Democrats, small businesses in his State can not get loans that are needed to create and save jobs in his State. Which is true in all 50 States because of the republican obstructionism.
Complete Story Here:
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sharron Angle being sued by Righthaven LLC for Copyright infringement - Las Vegas Democrat |
The biggest Newspaper in Southern Nevada, whose name shall not be mentioned, has given permission for a company called Righthaven LLC to troll the internet for copyright infringements and then file lawsuits. The lawsuits are being filed against bloggers and other news gathering sites. Even if a link is posted with the article to the original source, the suits continue.
The Las Vegas Sun is reporting that Righthaven LLC is suing Sharron Angle for copyright infringement and seeking $150,000 in damages. Another Las Vegas Sun article says, Defendant accuses Righthaven of misusing legal system.
Complete Story Here:
Tea Party of Nevada, Scott Ashjian’s latest campaign ad - Las Vegas Democrat |
With the media focused on Senator Reid (D-NV) and Sharron Angle (R-NV) for the US Senate race in Nevada, the Tea Party of Nevada candidate Scott Ashjian (T-NV) has been forgotten.
When the Tea Party of Nevada first made news by becoming a recognized third party and announced that Scott Ashjian would be running for the US Senate seat held by Senator Reid, the right wing blogosphere, the Republicans in DC and other Nevada tea party organizations went berserk. The Tea Party of Nevada and its candidate were shunned by the GOP, and the GOP led tea party groups in Nevada. Ashjian was accused of being a stalking horse for Reid. One accusation after another was spread in newspapers and on the Internet, and law suits soon followed to get his name removed from the November ballot. But Ashjian prevailed, and proved them all wrong, and proved that he was the only true Tea Party candidate in the race.
Complete Story Here:
Friday, September 3, 2010
Online Voter Registration now available for Clark County residents - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Secretary of State Ross Miller has given Southern Nevadans the new option to register to vote online. Clark County is home to approximately 72 percent of all eligible voters in the State and will be the first phase for the new Online option, with the rest of the state to follow.
Ross Miller announced the new program yesterday saying that online registration will require the person registering to have a valid Nevada drivers license or State issued identification number.
The new system uses information in both the Department of Motor Vehicles data base and Clark County data base to match new voters to their physical address
Complete Story Here:
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Former Sheriff Bill Young, Republican, Endorses Harry Reid - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young (R-NV) yesterday announced his endorsement for US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). (Click here to watch video)
Complete Story Here:
Angle announces new website: Harry Reid Soundboard - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |
Sharron Angle’s (R-NV) campaign announced today a new website titled, Harry Reid Soundboard. It is an interactive site that shows Reid gaffes in balloons like you would read in a cartoon and by clicking on the gaffe it plays a sound bite of Reid saying the gaffe.
Complete Story Here:
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Obama scolds Republicans as they continue to block Jobs Bill - Las Vegas Democrat |
Republicans want Americans to be hurting as they walk into the voting booth this November which is why they have voted no on every Jobs Bill and Tax Cuts for small business’s since Obama became President.
Full Story Here:
Monday, August 30, 2010
What does Sharron Angle have against U.S. Gulf States? - Las Vegas Democrat |
Sharron Angle (R-NV) the candidate for the US Senate in Nevada, says that she would have never approved of the relief fund for Hurricane Katrina victims in the Gulf States that had massive damage and more than 1300 deaths in August 2005.
Add this to when she said that President Obama was wrong for holding BP accountable for their oil spill this summer and saying that he was wrong for having them set up a $20 billion dollar escrow account to pay for those who lost their jobs and for the clean up. What do you get, you get someone who is Not qualified to be a dog catcher, let alone a US Senator.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) posted the following on his website:
Complete Story Here:
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Glenn Beck prepared for worst wears bullet proof vest, Slideshow - Las Vegas Democrat |
Rory Reid won this debate without a doubt, he explained why new companies do not want to come to Nevada because of our uneducated kids and the work force that they go into, which is true. And companies do not come here because the employees that they bring with them do not want their kids going to bad schools. Reid understands that a good education is the best way to fix our economy.
Complete Story Here:
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Glenn Beck prepared for worst wears bullet proof vest, Slideshow - Las Vegas Democrat |
During today’s speech at the Glenn Beck, Fox promoted Restoring Honor to white people rally in Washington DC today, Glenn Beck was prepared for the worst by wearing a bullet proof vest.
With the underlying and vile words of hate that Beck spreads on his Radio and TV shows, it is not surprising that he would be afraid for his own life, after all, most of his listeners have become fearful or violent. We have seen several violent attacks and deaths attributed to Beck and or Fox news over the last two years, but Fox and Republican politicians just call those, “isolated incidents“. So maybe he was correct in playing it safe.
Glenn Beck pictures wearing a vest look close:
Complete Story and Slideshow Here:
Beck’s Circus in Washington DC was a big hit today - Las Vegas Democrat |
Glenn Beck and his traveling All-Stars put on their show today at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. And under the open sky Big Top was an estimated crowd of 200,000 people. As far as the eye could see it was a crowd that included every spectrum of the color white.
Guest speakers included actor Jon Voight, Michele Bachmann (R-MN), and Sarah “Wink Wink” Palin.
Beck gave a stirring speech at the end which was reminiscent of his Fox TV show. In fact if you were to watch any of his shows, then you would have a good idea of what his speech sounded like.
Complete Story Here: