Saturday, November 27, 2010

GOP playing politics with Nuclear Weapons makes US vulnerable - Las Vegas Democrat |

GOP playing politics with Nuclear Weapons makes US vulnerable - Las Vegas Democrat |

You may recall Ronald Reagan’s famous slogan for the START treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) that brought the Soviet Russia and the United States together to reduce nuclear weapons by both nations, “Trust, but Verify”.

The START treaty allowed both sides to make sure that nuclear weapons reductions were actually being carried out, not just saying they are doing it, but “verify“ that it is being done.

Now that has all changed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his cohort Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) have put a hold on the legislation.

These obstructionist tactics are the same as they have been the previous two years, block everything and anything that could possible be seen as a victory for President Obama, and that includes ending the START treaty that was first put into place by Ronald Reagan and renewed by several congress’s and carried out by every President since, and it has always been a non-partisan issue.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Justice Scalia: The 14th Amendment does not guarantee Liberty for All - Las Vegas Democrat |

Justice Scalia: The 14th Amendment does not guarantee Liberty for All - Las Vegas Democrat |

Last Friday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia spoke to an audience at the University of Richmond during a luncheon lecture, entitled “Do Words Matter?”, and about 250 people mostly made up of faculty members and legal professionals were treated to what a strict constitutionalist sounds like.

Justice Scalia spoke on the Constitution not being a “living document”, and railed against the 14th Amendment that opened the door for Roe v. Wade and Homosexual civil rights and liberties.

A short refresher on the “Equal Amendment Clause” to the 14th Amendment:

"Equal Protection Clause" of the 14th Amendment, upon which entirely hangs the hopes of the federal marriage equality movement, reads: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rush Limbaugh suggests Presidents children should be groped - Las Vegas Democrat |

Rush Limbaugh suggests Presidents children should be groped - Las Vegas Democrat |

Right wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh today suggested on his show that President Obama "take his daughter to the airport and have a TSA grope her".

How can any conservative condone his words and still call themselves a conservative. This was sick, and he just keeps on doing what he’s doing, and the so-called conservatives sit with one hand under their bottoms and the other hand covering their mouths.

This is not the first time the Limbaugh has gone after the President’s children. And he has also made racial remarks about the Presidents wife Michelle, and as we all know he has injected his racist views toward the President ever since he was a candidate running for President. There are literally to many clips, but one website, Media Matters records Limbaugh as well as others and if you really want to hear this sick S.O.B. click here.


Fox News rejects DADT repeal ad - Las Vegas Democrat |

Fox News rejects DADT repeal ad - Las Vegas Democrat |

The GOP propaganda channel Fox “News” has rejected an ad the highlights various allied Generals in support of Gays and Lesbians serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Fox “News” the Unfair and Unbalanced” propaganda channel that features several contributors and hosts who are clearly Unbalanced, said no to the ad because it does not fit the GOP Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell agenda.

The United States Secretary of Defense Bill Gates, and the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen, both testified before Congress earlier this year saying that they support the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT).

A soon to be released study by the Pentagon shows overwhelming support for the repeal of DADT from the troops currently serving.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Senate Republicans voted today to keep women under paid - Las Vegas Democrat |

Senate Republicans voted today to keep women under paid - Las Vegas Democrat |

Today the US Senate voted on allowing the advancement of the Paycheck Fairness Act to the full Senate floor for further debate followed by a vote. The Bill would guarantee that women are paid equally to their male counterparts. And every single Republican in the Senate said “NO” with their vote. The “Party of No” prevails again and will not allow any debate or vote to be taken.

In a vote of 58-41 Republicans unanimously killed any debate on S. 3772 the Paycheck Fairness Act.

The House of representatives had already passed the Paycheck Fairness Act, along with 420 other Bills during the 111th Congress only to watch them die in the US Senate.


New Veterans Hospital in North Las Vegas will serve thousands of Nevadans - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |

New Veterans Hospital in North Las Vegas will serve thousands of Nevadans - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |

The new Veterans Hospital set to open in late 2012 near I-215 and Pecos will centralize the current Veterans healthcare system that uses clinics scattered throughout Southern Nevada.

The VA hospital that is currently under construction and about 50 percent completed will allow veterans from the current two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as veterans from previous wars to avoid having to travel to California for major surgeries.

There are currently 11 VA clinics spread throughout the Las Vegas valley with each specializing in various care for out-patients. The hospital at Nellis Air Force base, the Mike O'Callaghan Federal Hospital does perform some medical procedures for veterans. But most major surgeries are referred to VA hospitals in Southern California which cause hardships for both patients and family members because of the distance. Right now, some veterans need to fly to San Diego to get certain surgeries.

Doctor Ramu Komanduri who is the Chief of Staff for Southern Nevada’s VA system said, "Right now, we operate out of multiple different locations all over the valley. We're going to go from 11 different clinical sites to really coming down to a hospital. "When we open this medical center, the vast majority of their surgical care will be done here."

The Las Vegas VA healthcare system will also get four new outpatient clinics that are set to open in late 2011.

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Senator Harry Reid played major rolls in securing the funds needed for Nevada to build the new VA hospital when Democrats in both the House and Senate passed the biggest VA funding legislation in history after President Obama was elected.

Information for Veterans who currently need assistance:

VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
PO Box 360001
Las Vegas, NV 89036

Las Vegas - Homeless Veterans
912 West Owens Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89106

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Bush Tax Cuts or Lower Deficits, pick one, you can’t have both - Las Vegas Democrat |

Bush Tax Cuts or Lower Deficits, pick one, you can’t have both - Las Vegas Democrat |

After the trouncing the democrats in the House took earlier this month in the General Election, little is expected to get accomplished during the lame duck session that starts today. But one issue that is certainly to become the main focus will be whether or not to let the unfunded Bush Tax Cuts for the rich expire as originally planned ten years ago by Bush and his Republican congress who enacted the giveaway.

The unfunded tax cuts which are set to expire December 31, 2010 at midnight added $2.5 trillion to the national debt over the ten years. Republicans in 2001 and 2003 said that the tax cuts would lower our deficit and our debt, but had the complete opposite affect.

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —President George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

Bush was wrong again, those same Republicans are telling you that they want to extend the unfunded Bush tax cuts for the rich and make the cuts permanent, and they again say this will lower our deficit and our national debt, again. The Tea Party and Republican base who seem to like cutting the tip of their noses off are saying, Fool me once, fool me again, and again and again and again.


Neo-Nazi’s march in Phoenix, riot breaks out (Video) - Las Vegas Democrat |

Neo-Nazi’s march in Phoenix, riot breaks out (Video) - Las Vegas Democrat |

This past Saturday in Phoenix AZ, white supremacist members of the Neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement protested in front of the Sandra Day O’Connor Federal Court Building and a riot broke out.

Counter protesters showed up along with 100 police officers in riot gear.

According to the local ABC affiliate (watch video on left) the Nazis had a permit to hold their protest rally while the anti-Nazi protesters did not. Soon violence broke out and the anti-Nazi protesters were throwing rocks at the Nazi’s as well as the police, and the police responded with tear gas and pepper spray.

Two arrests were made for throwing rocks at police officers according to Sgt. Tommy Thompson with the Phoenix Police Department and charged with aggravated assault.

The Neo-Nazis were there to protest the Federal Governments hold on Arizona’s controversial and unconstitutional anti-immigration Bill SB 1070.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Racist woman verbally and physically attacks Postal Worker (Videos) - Las Vegas Democrat |

Racist woman verbally and physically attacks Postal Worker (Videos) - Las Vegas Democrat |

Warning: Videos contain graphic language some viewers will find offensive and disturbing.

USPS mail carrier Hugson Jean, 47, of Roslindale, MA ,was delivering mail to Erika Winchester, of Hingham, MA, when he was verbally and physically assaulted by the 60 year old woman, and it was reordered on his cell phone video.

Almost a year went by before Jean posted the videos on YouTube which have now gone viral and picked up by the National and Worldwide press.

In the videos Erika Winchester is demanding that the letters she signed for be taken back and the signed cards of her accepting the letters be given to her. The mail carrier said he cannot do that and Winchester became very angry. She called him the “N” word several times, told him that she had a friend on the Police department that would arrest him and lock him up forever.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Keith Olbermann, Media Bias and Ethics - Las Vegas Democrat |

Keith Olbermann, Media Bias and Ethics - Las Vegas Democrat |

In case you missed last Friday’s big news story, MSNBC suspended Keith Olbermann who hosts the show “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

Olbermann was suspended because he did not get prior permission from MSNBC for three campaign donations of $2400.00 each to Democrats running for congress as his contract stipulates.

Joe Scarborough who hosts MSNBC’s early morning show called “Morning Joe”, made contributions and even campaigned for some candidates, but was not suspended. But we are told he had permission.

According to Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC’s rule say “there is an explicit employee rule against hosts making contributions like that. You can do it if you ask in advance and management tells you OK. That‘s what I understand happened with our morning show host‘s political donations in 2006 under previous management. But if you don‘t ask in advance for an exemption from the rule, you are bound by the rule.”

MSNBC's President Phil Griffin issued statement on Friday regarding his decision to suspend Keith Olbermann.

“I became aware of Keith’s political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay,” Griffin wrote.

But not all News channels are the same. Fox marches to a different set of ethics and standards, one that is unprecedented in the field of journalism.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Democratic and Republican Parties: The Fool’s Folly - Las Vegas Democrat |

Democratic and Republican Parties: The Fool’s Folly - Las Vegas Democrat |

“Legislation is the Art of Compromise” Senator Harry Reid Nov 3, 2010

On the right side of the aisle, Republicans and Tea Party winners say the deficit is too big and we need to cut it, then they say in the next sentence we must extend all the Bush tax cuts including those for the rich and not just the middle class, which will add $700 billion to the deficit that they just said we must cut.

The Bush tax cuts over the past ten years were unfunded and added $1.4 trillion to the deficit, extending them will again add to the deficit because they are still unfunded, and just as Republicans didn’t care that they were unfunded ten years ago, they still don’t care that they are unfunded now and will again add to the deficit.

Before the election President Obama was pounding away on how the Bush tax cuts would add $700 billion to the deficit and how we must end the tax cuts for the rich but maintain them for the middle class. Today the White House is saying we are willing to compromise on the extensions for the rich and made no mention that it would add to the deficit.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is Sharron Angle just misunderstood? - Las Vegas Democrat |

Is Sharron Angle just misunderstood? - Las Vegas Democrat |

This is Sharron Angle:

Privatize the VA
Phase out Social Security
Phase out Medicare
Erase the Department of Education
Erase the Environmental Protection Agency
Create a Government Agency to control the bodies of all women who are pregnant
Force women who are raped to carry to full term
Remove all regulations for Banks
Remove all regulations for Wall Street
Remove all regulations for the Oil industry
Remove all regulations for Insurance companies
Remove all regulations for Health care industry
Bring the Nations Nuclear Waste to Yucca Mountain

Sharron Angle is not misunderstood, this is what Nevadans will get from Sharron Angle. There is nothing to misunderstand. Unless of course you only watch Fox “News“.

Complete Story Here:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Nevada General Election Results, easy Online site to follow - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |

Nevada General Election Results, easy Online site to follow - Las Vegas Clark County Elections 2010 |

Tomorrow is Election Day, which makes tomorrow night Election Watch.

Secretary of State Ross Miller has an easy to follow website to track the numbers as they come in.

Watch the results come in on your favorite candidates. See whose winning and who is lagging, county by county, and precinct by precinct.

Watch the US Senate race between Harry Reid and Sharron Angle. Will Rory Reid pull out a Win over Brian Sandoval? Will Dina Titus beat the heck out of Joe Heck?


‘Enthusiasm’ for Harry Reid showing up everywhere in Nevada - Las Vegas Democrat |

‘Enthusiasm’ for Harry Reid showing up everywhere in Nevada - Las Vegas Democrat |

The US Senate race in Nevada between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Tea Party backed candidate Sharron Angle has been a tight race for months. The latest Polls by CNN and the Mason-Dixon Polling firm show her up by 4 points.

But everywhere else you look in Nevada you are see that preparations are being made by DC Republicans in anticipation of Sharron Angle losing the election. Fox “News” and their echo chambers are running fake stories about SEIU Union members tampering with voting machines, when in fact the software and equipment are verified for functionality at the national level and then are maintained by the individual counties. “A lack of a centralized authority renders that scenario an impossibility“.